Super Fun Cardboard Puppet Theatre Craft That Kids Will Love

paper cardboard puppet theatre

Kids with big imaginations, silly personalities, and love to tell stories will love, love, love this cardboard puppet theatre craft! A really great project to follow during World Book Week or to complement a story your class has been reading or learning about.

How To Assess Your New Student’s Artistic Abilities On The First Day of School

Last year, during my first week as an art teacher at a new primary school teaching multiple grade levels, I came up with a few quick and fun first day of school art ideas that could easily help me understand my new students abilities and skill levels right off the bat on the first day.

Henri Matisse For Kids: 6 Collage Art Lessons Inspired By The Famous Artist

I introduced my Primary school art students to the creative mind of artist Henri Matisse. It was a pleasure reviewing his work, life, and story in preparation for teaching this art lesson. This was a great way to follow up project from our lessons on positive and negative shapes. Year groups 1 to 6 (Key … Read moreHenri Matisse For Kids: 6 Collage Art Lessons Inspired By The Famous Artist